slowly, subtly, and by tiny increments, ruining your life

June 14th, 2007

...although I have a hundred times sworn not to recognise certain imaginary laws.

- Antun Soljan

PERSIFLAGE is updated Thursdays.


For Sale: the newest collection of poems from Backwash Press: Songs about Wet Socks and Other Camping Mishaps by the renowned Canadian poet and backwoodsman, Ferlin Knap-Sachs. $37.50. Box 66.
On Wednesday, June 27th at approximately sundown, Emily Gromet will be reciting her entire verse novel Dunstan checks In while strolling through Wolseley. The public is invited to participate by leaving small snacks out one the street in the area.

The Final Tip for Spring Living:

Tip #8:       Let's be careful out there.
"I had not fastened my sash over my gown, when you asked me to look out the window. If my skirt fluttered open, blame the Spring wind." - Tzu Yeh (4th Century Chinese poet)



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The Search Continues

As regular visitors to this site know, Hugh Briss has been missing for over three weeks. Last week we retained the services of a private investigator, the Belgian detective Egmont le Manchot.

Here is his second progress report:

Friday  Caught a flight to Morocco. Thought Briss might be in Fez as he often wears one. No luck. Did manage to get mine re-blocked though.

Saturday  Tired and jet lagged all day. Spent the afternoon on the Web following the links after googling the word "missing". Wow what a lot of stuff! Dinner with friends.

Sunday  Went to Mass in the morning. Communion wafers seemed especially tasty! Brunch with my high school buddy Leopold. He sure has changed. Sat in the park in the afternoon. No sign of Briss despite the weather.

Monday  Finally tracked down Briss's high school gym teacher. Apparently Briss was lousy at the flexed arm hang. First solid clue! Very confident I will find Briss tomorrow.

Tuesday  Nope.

Wednesday  Phone rang at 6AM this morning but by the time I found the phone on the floor under all my bedclothes, I guess I flung them off in the night - it sure was hot in here even with my ceiling fan running all night (every time I wake up with the ceiling fan running I always say quietly to myself "Saigon...shit") I should really get one of those window air conditioners, anyway, it was hot and I couldn't find the phone and by the time I got to it I guess they'd hung up. I wonder if that was Briss?

Are we paying this guy too much?

A Selection of Audio Poems

An Homage to William Carlos Williams

A Going Away Poem for Mister Stanley Flint

Three Haiku

Number One   Number Two   Number Three